NLB Skladi

Izračuni Tečajnica

Structure of Subfund Investments

Since the information regarding the structure of subfund investments are published only in Slovenian language, we have prepared a Slovenian-English dictionary with transations of common terms to be used when viewing the Monthly Report on Movement of Net Asset Value per Subfund Unit and Structure of Subfund Investments

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The company NLB Funds, asset management, d.o.o. (hereinafter: NLB Skladi), Tivolska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana (, manages the umbrella fund NLB Skladi. In addition to NLB Skladi, the sales services of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi are also provided by authorization of Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana.

This is a marketing message. Before making any final investment decision, see the Prospectus of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi with included management rules and key information documents for individual sub-funds of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi, which are available to investors in Slovenian free of charge at the headquarters of NLB Skladi at Tivolska cesta 48 in Ljubljana each working days between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., at authorized registration points (NLB d.d. offices) during their working hours and on the website

The umbrella fund NLB Skladi is also open to small investors. By investing into the umbrella fund NLB Skladi, the investor acquires units of the sub-fund and is not a direct holder of the issuers of the securities that make up the sub-fund.

Summary risk indicator of each sub-fund: NLB Funds – Equity Asia 4; NLB Funds – Equity Dynamic Advanced Markets 4; NLB Funds - Equity Socially Responsible - Global Advanced Markets 4; NLB Funds – Equity Emerging Europe  5; NLB Funds – Balanced Europe 3; NLB Funds – Equity Health Care 4; NLB Funds – Equity Global 4; NLB Funds – Balanced Global 3; NLB Funds – Equity Natural Resources 5; NLB Funds – Equity Real Estate 5; NLB Funds – Bond High Yield 3; NLB Funds – Bond Corporate MT - EUR 2; NLB Funds – Equity Advanced Europe 4; NLB Funds – Multi - Asset Slovenia 3; NLB Funds – Equity Global Advanced Markets  4; NLB Funds – Equity Emerging Markets Global 4; NLB Funds – Equity High Technology 5; NLB Funds – Equity Western Balkans 3; NLB Funds – Equity USA 5; NLB Funds – Equity Environmental 4.

 The summary risk indicator is based on the assumption that you have held a certain sub-fund for: 

  • at least 7 years (NLB Funds – Equity Asia, NLB Funds – Equity Dynamic Advanced Markets, NLB Funds – Equity Emerging Europe, NLB Funds – Equity Real Estate, NLB Funds – Equity Natural Resources, NLB Funds – Multi - Asset Slovenia, NLB Funds – Equity Advanced Europe, NLB Funds – Equity High Technology, NLB Funds – Equity Western Balkans, NLB Funds – Equity Environmental),
  • at least 5 years (NLB Funds – Equity Socially Responsible - Global Advanced Markets, NLB Funds – Equity Advanced Europe, NLB Funds – Equity Health Care, NLB Funds – Equity Global, NLB Funds – Equity Global Advanced Markets, NLB Funds – Equity USA) or
  • at least 3 years (NLB Funds – Balanced Europe, NLB Funds – Balanced Global, NLB Funds – Bond Corporate MT - EUR, NLB Funds – Bond High Yield). 

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of the risk of a sub-fund compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that a specific sub-fund will lose value due to market movements or because the company cannot repay the investor. The summary risk indicator is based on an estimate of the magnitude of fluctuations in the value of the asset unit. In accordance with the actual operations of the sub-fund in the future, the summary risk indicator may change. The lowest score does not mean that the investment in risk-free. The sub-fund does not include any protection against future market performance or market risks, so may lose some or all of your investment. 

The sub-funds are classified under different scores of the summary risk indicator, where these scores represent the following: 

  • an indicator of 1 out of 7 represents the lowest risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 1 may be exposed to the lowest price fluctuations;
  • an indicator of 2 out of 7 represents a low risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 2 may be exposed to low price fluctuations;
  • an indicator of 3 out of 7 represents a medium-low risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 3 may be exposed to medium-low price fluctuations;
  • an indicator of 4 out of 7 represents a medium risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 4 may be exposed to medium price fluctuations; 
  • an indicator of 5 out of 7 represents a medium-high risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 5 may be exposed to medium-high price fluctuations;
  • an indicator of 6 out of 7 represents the second highest risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 6 may be exposed to the second highest price fluctuations; 
  • an indicator of 7 out of 7 represents the highest risk class, the VEP sub-fund with a score of 7 may be exposed to the highest price fluctuations.

Past performance does not predict future returns. The actual returns realized by the investor may differ to a greater extent from those expected. The umbrella fund of NLB Skladi is not a banking service and does not provide guarantees or guaranteed returns. Thus, investments in individual sub-funds of the umbrella fund are also not included in the deposit guarantee system, which applies to deposits of natural persons and small legal entities on transaction accounts, savings deposits, cash deposits and cashier's notes or certificates of deposit, which read in the name, collected at banks and savings banks.

When saving in the sub-funds of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi, the investor can pay entry and exit costs and a management fee. The maximum entry costs of the sub-funds of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi amount to 3.00% of the value of the investment coupon, and the maximum exit costs to 1.00% of the value of the investment coupon. The listed entry and exit costs reduce the (shown) return. A more detailed price list and a comparison of the costs of sub-funds of the umbrella fund are available on the website

Before making a decision to invest in a sub-fund that promotes a combination of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria, consider the characteristics and objectives of this sub-fund as described in the Prospectus of the umbrella fund with the included management rules and key information documents for individual sub-funds of the umbrella fund NLB Skladi.


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Vaša privolitev je v skladu z Informacijo o varstvu osebnih podatkov v družbi NLB Skladi in velja do preklica ter jo lahko pisno prekličete kadarkoli na sedežu družbe NLB Skladi, upravljanje premoženja, d.o.o., Tivolska cesta 48, 1000 Ljubljana ali na elektronski naslov Dokument Informacija o varstvu osebnih podatkov se nahaja na tej povezavi.



Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke. Osnovni so nujni za delovanje, dodatni pa vam omogočajo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo in dostop do kakovostne vsebine. Preberite več o piškotkih.

Nujni piškotki so potrebni za ustrezno delovanje spletnega mesta. Nastavijo se samodejno ob vaši interakciji s tem spletnim mestom. Analitični piškotki so namenjeni zbiranju podatkov o uporabi spletnega mesta za izboljšanje uporabniške izkušnje in zmogljivosti.